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Conditions of the outer or middle ear with mild to severe sensorineural hearing loss

  • Mild to severe sensorineural hearing loss
  • Unilateral, bilateral
  • Stable air conduction thresholds: <65 dB at 500 Hz up to approx. 80 dB at 6 kHz - see red area in chart
  • Normal middle ear function shown in impedance measurements and pure tone threshold audiometry
  • Speech audiometry corresponding to pure tone audiogram, minimum 50% at MCL with headphones in open-set word test
  • Better speech understanding possible with amplification
  • No retrocochlear or central hearing disorders
  • Realistic expectations
  • Minimum age: 5 years

Key features of the VIBRANT SOUNDBRIDGE middle ear implant system

key-featureTranscutaneous transmission leaves skin intact
key-featureStable audiological results independent of outer or middle ear condition
key-featureMiddle ear structures are preserved
key-featureNatural sound quality thanks to direct inner ear stimulation via FMT
key-featureFree ear canal leads to better ventilation and mimized infection risk
key-featureMRI conditional for 1.5 and 3 tesla scanners* without surgery**
key-featureNo acoustic feedback

SAMBA 2 2 audio processor

key-featureLightweight, thin, comfortable and discreet to wear
key-feature8-10 days of battery life
key-featureEasy to use
key-featureStreaming options

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